900 833 813 (gratuito) contacto@mkpersons.com

Answer all the calls you receive quickly and efficiently. Reduce costs.

How do we do it?



The client wins

Zero missed opportunities. Service without waiting 24/7. There are two options: take care of all the calls you receive or only those that your employees are unable to attend.


Multilingual team

Depending on the nationality of the caller, a Spanish, English, Catalan or Chinese speaking secretary will answer the call.

Costs reduction

Payment only for call attended. You will receive an immediate notification with information about each received call. 100% of our clients reduce cost by working with us.

Technology and generation of valuable information

MKpersons sends monthly reports with quality information. We have a specific CRM that stores all the information. In addition, all calls are recorded: MKpersons has a specific team which controls the quality of each of these calls.

Peugeot, Nespresso, Mercedes Benz, Liberty, Toyota…. +100 SMEs, professionals and multinationals trust MKpersons

Do you need more information?

Contact with us

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