900 833 813 (gratuito) contacto@mkpersons.com

Spain is a country of great business opportunities. There are many reasons to invest in it, so if you are an entrepreneur it is understandable that you consider doing so.

There are certain aspects that you should take into account before expanding your business in Spain.

Language. Many different languages coexist in Spain. You may not speak Spanish, Valencian or Catalan. If you’re willing to empathize with potential customers and sell your product it is important that you master them.

Commercial network. Depending on your product or service, it may be interesting to have a commercial team of native people to help you expand your business in all the regions you consider appropriate.

Contacts. Do you have good contacts in Spain? If not, it is important to decide who should be the first to know about your business. This people will be the ones to help you introduce your product or service.

Generation of opportunities. Companies need to be in connection with the market, find customers to provide services, have talented staff and control their costs… and all that is offered by Spain. Nevertheless, you should design a good strategy before you do it.

Is my product salable? Before deciding whether to enter in Spain, it is important to know the competition and the Spanish market, to see if your product or service is really salable.

We have good news for you: every potential threat you may encounter has an integrated solution. Our marketing experts will analyze the strengths of your product or service demanded by the Spanish market and design a business strategy for you.

Contacts are not a problem: we have access to more than 10 million consumers and companies: we will study your target audience and develop specific databases. We will form a tailor-made sales team, generating daily sales opportunities and sending you daily reports indicating the sales opportunities generated.

Do you want to expand your business in Spain in a secure way? Information is power. With these reports and the first sales generated, in a short time you will be able to develop an expansion plan adapted to your company’s sales objectives, turning threats into opportunities.

You probably still have questions. Tell us your specific doubts, and in less than 24 hours you will have a detailed answer from one of our experts.

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